Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hand On My E-Wallpaper ( La Tomatina)

Hi, here I am going to explain how I am going to do my Computer Graphic Assignment 1 – Wallpaper

Earlier, I explained how I cropped the images for my wallpaper use.
Now I am going to start doing my wallpaper by using A4 layout size for the wallpaper.

Then, I click “File” followed by “Place” and I chose a huge tomato image for my background. At the layout section, I deleted the “Background” layout.

Later, I placed the image on the left end and gave some space on the right end because I will be using some other image later to cover that area. I used the Move Tool, to move and place the image.

After that, I used the same placing method to place other required image and again used the Move Tool to move and get the right position for the image. For the image below, I created a group for layout because it will be easier to identify the location of the layouts.

In the process I used the Magnetic Lesso Tool to crop the people and the hand from the actual image to make a better effect for the wallpaper. I used the Move Tool to move the image and Type the title of the wallpaper.

I used the same image( layer Hand 1 & Hand 2) to cover the back part because was a line when cropped image is joined.

Later I move the Hand 1 & Hand 2 layer using Move Tool towards Top Hand layer. Now it looks like the Title is under the people’s hand. It looks like people are trying to grad the title.

Then I created a new layer folder and placed 3 new images(Green Box). After that, by using the Eraser Tool, I erased the edge of the image to give some effects( Blue Circle)

As I explained earlier, I used the tomato cropped images(2 tomato image, Black Circle) and placed it on the wallpaper(Blue Box) and moved the image into place with Move Tool.

Using the same Placing method, I placed the round Spain flag and used the Move Tool  to adjust the image position.

Added some effect to the layer Spain Round Logo using the Blending Option

After Blending Option 

Later in the process, I used Type Tool to type some information and used the Move Tool to place the typo in place. Then gave some Blending Option effect to it.

Gave some effect by Changing the Color and Blending Option

Added a flag using Placing Method and gave effect using Blending Option.

Final outcome after adjusting the effects for some layer.


Getting Started With My E-Wallpaper

What I am going to use for my wallpaper?
I am going to build my wallpaper using images for background, images for supporting and some typography.

First I decided what supporting detail/image that I am using for my Wallpaper. Bellow (post) are the images that I will be using for my wallpaper.

This images are not edited for my wallpaper yet.

Later, I used the Magnetic Lasso Tool(in red circle) to crop the images that I need to edit in my wallpaper as below. I open a new Photoshop layout( different layout) to crop all those pictures.

After cropping I used the Move Tool(in blue circle), to move the cropped image that I need. Then I saved the fills before starting my with the actual wallpaper.

Recipe For My Eee-Wallpaper







La Tomatina Celebration Pictures

What Is Photoshop?

In this semester, we have to learn about Adobe Photoshop for our Computer Graphic 2. Now, Photoshop is a graphical editing program which allows users to create and manipulate an image.

Advantages of using Photoshop are:-

- Best image editor on the market today
- Good for doing color correction
- Easily undo any thing you don't like about it
- Whatever you can create in your mind, you can create it in Photoshop

- Can be used for digital drawing/painting

I just started using Photoshop because I would like to study digital art image manipulation. I started of with Photoshop CS 5 because so far it doesn't crash, better tools and newer tools.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A brief history about the La Tomatina festival,

In 1944, during a parade of gigantes y cabezudos in Bunol Spain, young men who wanted to participate in the same event staged a brawl. Since nearby there was a vegetable stand, they picked tomatoes and used them as a weapon. The police had to intervene to break up the fight, and forced those responsible to pay the damages incurred.
The following year the young people repeated the fight, only this time brought their own tomatoes from home. They were again dispersed by the police. After repeating this in subsequent years, the party was, albeit unofficially, established.
In 1950, the council allowed the party to happen. However they opposed it the next year, and some participants were detained. These people were quickly released thanks to pressure from all neighbors.
The festival was finally allowed, and the launch of tomatoes were added other ways, such as spraying water and even getting it in fountains of rivals. Between the noise, participants typically primed with those who were mere spectators, including relevant personalities, so in 1957 it returned to the festival banned under penalties including imprisonment.
In that year, the neighborhood decided to organize what they called "the funeral of tomato", which came in a procession carrying a coffin with a great tomato, accompanied by a band that played funeral marches in its path.
In 1959 the town finally approved the Tomatina, but imposed a rule that people could only throw tomatoes after a horn sounded a case and should end when it sounded a second time.
Between 1975 and 1980 the festival was organized by the ordeal(?) of San Luis Bertran, who were those who took the tomatoes, because before each participant bringing their own home.
The party became popular in Spain thanks to Javier Basilio report issued in the RTVE Informe Semanal in 1983.
Since 1980 the City Council who provides participants tomatoes, each year greater than the number of tons of tomatoes used, as well as visitors.
In 2002 it was declared a Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. From 2008 has soundtrack, the song of the Tomatina "Todo es del mismo color" created by the bunyolense rock band "Malsujeto".

Link Of My Research Page,

My Assignment 1

My Assignment 1 Is about La Tomatina Festival.

What is this La Tomatina?
La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Buñol, in which participants throw tomatoes at each other. It is held the last Wednesday in August, during the week of festivities of Buñol Spain.

Why I opened this blog?

The purpose I started this blog is because it is one of my studies requirement in Foundation level (Alpha level) for the subject Computer Graphics 2. In this computer graphics 2, we are learning how to develop our own graphic/task/design using the Adobe Photoshop software. In Computer graphics 1, which it was held in my 1st semester, we used Adobe Illustrator to do our assignment.
I am currently doing my semester 2. In Adobe Illustrator, we learnt how to compose out own basic layout and it was fun working with that software. We had 2 basic assignments and 1 major assignment.

In Computer Graphics 2, I have been assigned with 2 assignments. 1st assignment is to designing a wallpaper on my own interest festival. Assignment 2 is a group work consisting of 6 people in a group. Assignment 2 is building a yearly calendar using our own theme.

On my nest post, I would like to describe about my 1st assignment. Thank you. 

My Biography

Hi before is proceed further, I would like to talk a little about myself.

My name is Indraan Sathiamoorthy and Born on 7 July 1988 to a house wife mother, Kulwant Kaur and clerk Father Sathiamoorthy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I grew up with my 2 blood brothers.

I received my primary education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Koperasi Polis, Kuala Lumpur and later i continued my secondary studies in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato Ibrahim Yacoob, Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, 2001. I never had an interest in Medical field but for the love of my parents I did my Pre-U in Science In Nirwana College Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 2007.

I could not continue my studies in Medical Field due to family financial problem. Later, I started working in a retail industry Courts Sdn Bhd in Dec 2008 and left the job as A Customer Care Supervisor in May 2010. After leaving my job, I enter MultiMedia University, Malaysia to chase after my dream which I want to be a film director and producer. I am still doing my Foundation in Creative Mutlimedia.

Talking about what I do on my spare time, I love browsing net for information and knowledge. Besides, I also finishes my spare time in gym and swimming. Not only that, i also loves spending time with my friends and also watch movie.

That is all about myself and my next post will be on why I built this blog.