Monday, November 1, 2010

A brief history about the La Tomatina festival,

In 1944, during a parade of gigantes y cabezudos in Bunol Spain, young men who wanted to participate in the same event staged a brawl. Since nearby there was a vegetable stand, they picked tomatoes and used them as a weapon. The police had to intervene to break up the fight, and forced those responsible to pay the damages incurred.
The following year the young people repeated the fight, only this time brought their own tomatoes from home. They were again dispersed by the police. After repeating this in subsequent years, the party was, albeit unofficially, established.
In 1950, the council allowed the party to happen. However they opposed it the next year, and some participants were detained. These people were quickly released thanks to pressure from all neighbors.
The festival was finally allowed, and the launch of tomatoes were added other ways, such as spraying water and even getting it in fountains of rivals. Between the noise, participants typically primed with those who were mere spectators, including relevant personalities, so in 1957 it returned to the festival banned under penalties including imprisonment.
In that year, the neighborhood decided to organize what they called "the funeral of tomato", which came in a procession carrying a coffin with a great tomato, accompanied by a band that played funeral marches in its path.
In 1959 the town finally approved the Tomatina, but imposed a rule that people could only throw tomatoes after a horn sounded a case and should end when it sounded a second time.
Between 1975 and 1980 the festival was organized by the ordeal(?) of San Luis Bertran, who were those who took the tomatoes, because before each participant bringing their own home.
The party became popular in Spain thanks to Javier Basilio report issued in the RTVE Informe Semanal in 1983.
Since 1980 the City Council who provides participants tomatoes, each year greater than the number of tons of tomatoes used, as well as visitors.
In 2002 it was declared a Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. From 2008 has soundtrack, the song of the Tomatina "Todo es del mismo color" created by the bunyolense rock band "Malsujeto".

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